Hello,<br>I have a hover control that shows an OpenLayers.Popup.SmallPopup with the HTML "<i>Loading data... please wait...</i>", then I make a WMS request, and when that comes back I set SmallPopup.contentHTML to the HTML that came back from the GetFeatureinfo request.<br>
<br>My code looks like this:<br><br> if( map.getZoom() >= 12)<br>{<br> pinPopup(evt,"<i>Loading data... please wait...</i>");<br><br> var url = wmsurl<br> + "?REQUEST=GetFeatureInfo"<br>
+ "&EXCEPTIONS=application/vnd.ogc.se_xml"<br> + "&BBOX=" + map.getExtent().toBBOX()<br> + "&X=" + evt.xy.x<br>
+ "&Y=" + evt.xy.y<br> + "&INFO_FORMAT=text/html"<br> + "&QUERY_LAYERS=cira:addresses"<br> + "&LAYERS=cira:addresses"<br>
+ "&FEATURE_COUNT=50"<br> + "&SRS=EPSG:900913"<br> + "&STYLES="<br> + "&WIDTH=" + map.size.w<br>
+ "&HEIGHT=" + map.size.h;<br> <br> OpenLayers.loadURL(<br> url,<br> '',<br> this,<br>
function(response,evt)<br> {<br> map.popups[0].contentHTML = response.responseText;<br> },<br> receiveGetFeatureInfoFailure);<br>
}<br><br>however the new HTML doesn't get updated in the popup. I was hoping I did not have to destroy the popup and pin it back up to the map with the new HTML. <br><br>Thank you very much,<br><br>
-- <br>Signed,<br>Alessandro Ferrucci<br>