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<blockquote style="BORDER-LEFT: #ccc 1px solid; MARGIN: 0px 0px 0px 0.8ex; PADDING-LEFT: 1ex" class="gmail_quote">My guess is that you have not configured your max extent and maxresolution<br>correctly. However, I can't test this, because I can't find where any<br>
of the code that initailizes this map is, or how I can access the<br>OpenLayers.Map object from the console.<br><br>-- Chris<br>
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<div>You can find the OL object via the following code "<font face="courier new,monospace">dijit.byId( "map" )</font><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif">" this will return you the widget object which inherits from the OpenLayers.Map class. The code for this class can be found in the zip file in ./nmpo/geo/MapViewer.js The actual configuring happens from line 120 to 155. The configuration class can be found in ./nmpo/geo/Config.js wich parses the XML file and produces the layers, controls, config object and an additional config object.</font></div>