I am a newbie to OpenLayers and I have followed the KML example. I have spent hours searching through previous posts for an answer.
I have 2 problems:
1. The pop up displays differently on Firefox, IE and Opera. On FireFox and Opera, the description text does not show. It displays "undefined" while in IE7, the "name" and "description text appears.
See: http://www.sjokart.no/admin/filestore/Sjkartverket/kml/test/testKMLPopGML.html
KML: http://www.sjokart.no/admin/filestore/Sjkartverket/kml/vannstandstasjoner2.kml
2. How do I control the size of the popup box on IE. I have tried using popup.autoSize=true but this does not work.
Any help would be appreciated.<img class='smiley' src='http://n2.nabble.com/images/smiley/smiley_unhappy.gif' />
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View this message in context: <a href="http://n2.nabble.com/KML-GML-layer-feature-attributes-description-displays-undefined-textror-tp4127545p4127545.html">KML GML layer - feature.attributes.description displays undefined textror</a><br>
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