Hello, OLers! This is my first OpenLayers map and I'm having serious difficulty selecting features and seeing popups. I've literally spent days trying to figure this out, so please forgive me if it's already been discussed somewhere.<br>
<br>Let me first give some background. I have three layers. One is a GML layer from a text file of points (the text file is generated by a PHP script reading from a MySQL spatially-enabled database). Another is a marker layer (only one point), the location of which I have hard-coded. The third is a KML generated in Google Earth.<br>
<br>I've never been able to get popups in my map, or to select the point features. Is there something terribly wrong with my code? In the OL example (<a href="http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/markersTextLayer.html">here</a>), there doesn't seem to be anything special in the map that enabled popups. I even followed the example code <a href="http://docs.openlayers.org/library/overlays.html#transition-markers-to-vectors">here</a> for selecting features.<br>
<br>My site is <a href="">here</a>, so that you can see my code. Please forgive me if it's sloppy - I'm not much of a programmer. <br><br>Thank you much in advance!!! I sincerely appreciate any help you can give me!<br>
<br>ryan<br><br>-- <br>Department of Geography<br>University of Washington<br><br><a href="mailto:BurnsR77@gmail.com" target="_blank">BurnsR77@gmail.com</a><br>
<a href="mailto:rlburns@uw.edu" target="_blank">rlburns@uw.edu</a><br>859-582-9125<br>