Hi <br><br>Im working on a openlayer - openstreet map implementation.<br><br>I was wondering can someone help me to set the closest zoomlevel when i have a latlon and a radius in km.<br><br>For example i have a latlon :> 4.7500454 and 52.6316131<br>
I want to center the map on this latlon and then zoom in to the closed zoomlevel when i have a radius of 10km (the map is always a <span id="result_box" class="short_text"><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);" title="vierkant">square)</span></span><br>
<br>I was trying with bounds but i don't know how to subtract 10 km from the latlon.<br><br><br>Thanks in advanced.<br><br>Bas<br>