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<p>The selectFeature control has support for passing in a list of vector layers to the constructor, after which any of them will be selectable. This functionality was added in OL 2.8.
<br>-- Chris
<br>----- Original message -----
<br>> I see this came up last year but wondered if there was a move towards a
<br>> fix. I have several GML files used
<br>> as vector layers for which I have add selectfeature controls, but only
<br>> the last one works. I am aware of the
<br>> extra that Andre Pereira de Matos has made. Should I just use this or
<br>> is
<br>> there a proposal to fix this one?
<br>> --
<br>> Phil Scadden, GNS Science Ltd 764 Cumberland St, Private Bag 1930,
<br>> Dunedin, New Zealand Ph +64 3 4799663, fax +64 3 477 5232
<br>> Notice: This email and any attachments are confidential. If received in
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