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<code class="wrappedText focusRow" role="listitem"></code>Our
Application uses OL to draw features on a map, style them and save it
in postgresql(attributes and style as json strings). After that then we
load them as KML-files. With polygons and linestrings there is no
problem, but with points. When they are styled like below they are not
drawn when we load them. <br>
Now I was looking for the reason and I found it, I think. It's when a
point is styled not the default(or any other) value for pointRadius is
used, am I right?<br>
If there is no failure in my style than my proposal is to add the
following line into the parseFeature-function of OpenLayers.Format.KML,
right before <br>
"var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(geometry, attributes);":<br>
<font color="#3333ff">if ((geometry instanceof
OpenLayers.Geometry.Point || geometry instanceof
OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPoint) &&
this.styles[attributes.styleUrl] &&
!this.styles[attributes.styleUrl].pointRadius) {<br>
this.styles[attributes.styleUrl].pointRadius = 6;<br>
Or it could be a better solution to add the default as default to 6 in
the parseStyle-function like(would save the if statement, but there
would be more useless data in the style-objects):<br>
<font color="#3333ff">style["pointRadius "] = 6;</font><br>
It's a pity that in the parseStyle there is no access to the geometries
use the style, but it's clear why it's like that.<br>
<pre role="list"><code class="wrappedText focusRow" role="listitem"><Style id="style16313">
        <PolyStyle</code><code class="wrappedText focusRow" role="listitem">>
        <IconStyle</code><code class="wrappedText focusRow" role="listitem">></IconStyle>
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">--
Slawomir Messner
Forschungszentrum "Deutscher Sprachatlas"