Hi all,<br><br>I am using normal wms layer request like: <br><br>mapThis = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Basemap", "<a href="https://username:password@www.kartta.fi/image">https://username:password@www.kartta.fi/image</a>", <br>
{layers: 'perus',<br> singleTile: true,<br> srs: 'EPSG:4326', <br> format: 'image/png', <br> styles: ['style_1'], <br>
transparent: false <br> }, <br> {isBaseLayer: true});<br><br>My problem is that this authentication "<a href="http://username:password@www.kartta.fi/image">username:password@www.kartta.fi/image</a>" is not working how I would like. It is still asking everytime username/password when I reload map or when I remove map. (Browsers box that asks username/password)<br>
<br>So I am asking that what is right way to handle this wms authentication ?<br><br>Br.<br>Grant<br>