Hi,<br><br>I'm a frontend developer and was programming a web viewer for a proprietary, WMS-like map service.<br>I discovered Openlayers one month ago and I'm really fascinated by its awesome capabilities, so I decided to integrate our map service in OpenLayers.<br>
<br>Here is a short description how the map service works:<br><br>The client sends an AJAX request containing the current map bounds, the map id and the pixel size of the map.<br><font size="2"><code class="focusRow subFocusRow ">map=22&px=1720&py=833&left=2504400&right=2544000&top=5699500&bottom=5669500&type=0<br>
<br></code></font>The server responds with the generated map image (url) and the corrected bounds:<br><MapProperties><br> <mapLeft>2493227.6110444176</mapLeft><br> <mapTop>5699500</mapTop><br>
<mapRight>2555172.3889555824</mapRight><br> <mapBottom>5669500</mapBottom><br> <mapType>0</mapType><br> <overviewMap>22</overviewMap><br> <url><a href="http://localhost/cgmCache/41600065-c3d2-4934-9feb-78a32f6668c8.png">http://localhost/cgmCache/41600065-c3d2-4934-9feb-78a32f6668c8.png</a></url><br>
</MapProperties><br><br>The maps are always single-tiled.<br>
<br>My first approach was to write a ProprietaryMapLayer, that executes the map request and creates an ImageLayer with the result url and its bounds.<br>When the ImageLayer is moved, a new request is performed, the current ImageLayer is destroyed and a new one generated. The disadvantage: there are now 2 layers representing one map, which leads to confusion in the layer switcher control.<br>
<br>I read over the code of Layer.WMS, which inherits from Layer.Grid and also makes use of Tile.Image, but it's difficult to derive a solution from it, since all the request/response handling is already integrated into the layer. Furthermore, WMS simply responds with tile images, whereas I have to deal with an xml response.<br>
<br>Any ideas how I could implement my layer?<br><br>kind regards,<br><br>Franz<br>