Hello:<br> I am using the openlayers2.8. <br> I want to add a popup about the feature at the mouse click position, and I saw that I can use the OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature to select feature and hightlight the feature. I have met a problem How to get the mouse's click postion in the event("featurehighlighted") hanlder function ("report"). I try this:<pre id="line1"> var report = function(e) {
//OpenLayers.Console.log(e.type, e.feature.id);
map.addPopup(new OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud(
};<br><br>But In getMousePosition() a error occurred: "this.element is null".<br>I want to ask: How to get the click position? What is the function getMousePosition's parameters ?<br><br></pre><div dir="ltr">Looking forward to your help.<br> Wang <br> CNIC,CAS,China<br><br><br></div><pre id="line1"> </pre>