<div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed; font-size: 12px;" lang="x-western">Hello everyone,
<br>I know that this is a common question, but I've searched on archives and
also tried the examples but I've been failing miserably.
<br>All I need is to attach two layers to a SelectFeature control. I expect
to execute something when the user clicks on a feature of any of the layers.
<br> /* Control to allow user to click on indicators */
<br> var layers = [entities.layer_office, suburbs.suburbs_layer];
<br> select_control = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(layers, {
<br> clickout: true,
<br> onSelect: function(e) {
<br> console.log(e);
<br> },
<br> onUnselect: function(e) {
<br> console.log(e);
<br> }
<br> });
<br> map.addControl(select_control);
<br> select_control.activate();
<br>Entities.layer_office and suburbs.suburbs_layer are Vector Layers with
Feature.Vector attributes.
<br>If I add just entities.layer_office, it works.
<br>If I add just suburbs.suburbs_layer, it works.
<br>If I add both (regardless of the order), the suburbs.suburbs_layer
receive the events, but entities.layer_office doesn't.
<br>Any suggestion about what I might be doing wrong?
<br>Thank you!