<p>I have a vector layer with some data clustered, I can create a label with the number of items at a point with the code below</p>
<p>I am having problems in IE8 using the selectfeature event as the label takes the select event and does not seem to pass it down to the icon. I can get <br>
the event fired if I click just outside the label otherwise I cannot get the even fired</p>
<p>Any ideas on this?</p>
<p>It works fine on FF! but I must get it working in IE8</p>
<p> var vecdata_clustered_rule = new OpenLayers.Rule({filter: new OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison({type: OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.GREATER_THAN,<br>
property: 'count',<br>
value: 1<br>
symbolizer: {'fillColor': '#377EB8',<br>
'fillOpacity': 0.8, <br>
'strokeWidth': 0, <br>
'pointRadius': 6,<br>
'label' : '${count}' , //<br>
'fontWeight' : 'bold' ,<br>
'graphicName' : 'circle'}<br>
<p> </p>
<p>var sel_feat_q = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(vec_data_q,{multiple: true, toggle: true });<br>
map.addControl(sel_feat_q); <br>
vec_data_q.events.register('featureselected', this,displayinfo) ;</p>