Hi all,<br><br>I've used jquery-ui draggable option as following but the moving popup can not be ended once dragging has started. Is there any another method to make OpenLayers.Popup draggable?<br> <br>
popup = new OpenLayers.Popup.AnchoredBubble(<br> "JInfo", // id<br> jFeature.geometry.getBounds().getCenterLonLat(), // lonlat<br>
new OpenLayers.Size(ISA.Size.POPUP_WIDTH, ISA.Size.POPUP_HEIGHT),<br> html, // contentHTML<br>
null, // anchor<br> true, // closeBox<br>
function() { // closeBoxCallback<br> jSelectControl.unselect(jFeature);<br>
});<br><br> jFeature.popup = popup;<br> map.addPopup(popup);<br><br> $("#JInfo").draggable(); <br>
<br>Thanks advance for your helps,<br>Yasemin<br>