I have two layers:<br>* Buildings<br>* Roof tops<br><br>I now have implemented OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo on the roof tops layer.<br>This works great and a popup is shown with the data.<br><br>I want to change this so that WMSGetFeatureInfo works on the Buildings layer.<br>
I know how to do that, but instead of showing the data of the building I want to show the data of the roof tops that belong to that building.<br>I can get the roof tops using the building ID but how do I make WMSGetFeatureInfo fill my popup with the roof top data?<br>
<br>I think I need to call a php-file that returns a json string with the data.<br>I'm doing something similar when looking for addresses.<br>I also need to change the popup so that every roof top gets its own tab.<br>
<br>Any advice would be much appreciated.<br><br>Thanks,<br><br>Paul<br>