.hmmessage P
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<font style="font-size:10pt;" color="#366092" face="Arial" size="2">I found<font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2"> this one [1], if I remember corre<font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2">ctly this is the one you <font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2">have in the PBE <font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2">cool website right? <font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2">I<font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2">'m thinking more li<font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2">ke the GNS icon you <font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2">put in the right-bottom corner, but </font></font></font></font>this should appear once I choose <font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2">each WMS<font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2">. I'm using the good GeoExt <font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2">1.0 with the old<font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2">, </font>good friend<font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2"> Ext 3.4, </font></font></font></font>so changing <font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2">to 4.1 is not a <font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2">good i<font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2">d<font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2">ea =).<font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2"> I haven<font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2">'t, I<font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2"> will ta<font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2">ke a deep look at it, thanks Phil.</font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font><br><br><font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2">[1] http://geoprisma.org/samples/geoextux/layertreebuilder/index.php</font><br id="FontBreak"></font></font></font></font></font><br><font style="font-size:10pt" color="#1F497D" face="Arial" size="2"><br>__________________________________________________________________________________________<br>Piensa en el medio ambie<font style="" face="Arial">nte - mantenlo en la pantalla. NO lo imprimas si NO es necesario.</font></font><font style="font-size:10pt" color="#1F497D" face="Arial" size="2"><br></font><font style="font-size:10pt" color="#1F497D" face="Arial" size="2">Think green - keep it on the screen. Do NOT print if it is NOT necessary.</font><font style="font-size:10pt" color="#1F497D" face="Arial" size="2"><br></font><font style="font-size:10pt" color="#1F497D" face="Arial" size="2"><span id="ecxresult_box" class="ecxshort_text" lang="de"><span class="ecxhps">Denken Sie an</span> <span class="ecxhps">die Umwelt</span></span></font><font style="font-size:10pt" color="#1F497D" face="Arial" size="2"><span id="ecxresult_box" lang="de"><span class="ecxhps"></span> <span class="ecxhps">-</span> <span class="ecxhps">bewahren Sie es</span> <span class="ecxhps">auf dem Bildschirm.</span> <span class="ecxhps">Drucken Sie NICHT</span><span>, wenn</span> <span class="ecxhps">es NICHT notwendig ist</span><span>.</span></span></font><br><br><br><div><div id="SkyDrivePlaceholder"></div>> Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2012 10:58:40 +1300<br>> From: p.scadden@gns.cri.nz<br>> CC: openlayers-users@lists.osgeo.org<br>> Subject: Re: [OpenLayers-Users] legend "floating" over map - Calling Alexandre Dube!<br>> <br>> Which geoext version are you using? That one should work for 1.0. There <br>> is a working one for Extjs 4.1 but I cant remember exactly how I got it. <br>> Investigate his sandbox more closely?<br>> <br>> <br>> Notice: This email and any attachments are confidential. If received in error please destroy and immediately notify us. Do not copy or disclose the contents.<br>> <br>> _______________________________________________<br>> Users mailing list<br>> Users@lists.osgeo.org<br>> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/openlayers-users<br></div> </div></body>