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<font style="font-size:10pt" face="Arial" color="#366092" size="2">Hello,<br><br>I've been trying to replace correctly an url in OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP after using a GeoExt.form.FormPanel (ie. combobox and textfield), but seems that the new url is being passed to the url of ExtJS and not to the url of the protocol. I've a live demo for this here: </font><font style="font-size:10pt" face="Arial" color="#366092" size="2">http://jsbin.com/ireqed/2/edit.</font><font style="font-size:10pt" face="Arial" color="#366092" size="2"> In the case </font><font style="font-size:10pt" face="Arial" color="#366092" size="2">I choose "Boreholes" in the combobox and enter "cool" in textfield, the new url I want will be: </font><font style="font-size:10pt" face="Arial" color="#366092" size="2">http://www.mop.org/fs/<b>Boreholes</b>?format=GeoJSON&comments__ilike=<b>cool</b>&queryable=comments (please see [1]).<br><br>To send this new url to the protocol, I use an autoLoad call in the handler function of the search button, after pressing it the new url is sent but it's not catched by the protocol itself (ie. XMLHttpRequest.js) but for ExtJS. So, the GeoJSON output is displayed in the window of the form panel (please see [2]). Thus, in Firebug two urls (please see [3]) are called, the first one is the new url I want in the url of the protocol, but it goes to ext-base.js, which is the wrong place. The second one, I actually don't know why is sent, goes to XMLHttpRequest.js which is the right place, but it shouldn't be sent.<br><br>I tried taking out the protocol from the form panel and put it as variable, but after pressing the button, I receive o.protocol is null in Firebug.<br><br>how could I do to replace correctly my new url (ie. 'myurl' in the code)? it seems to me that the new url is replacing an inexistent url which belongs to ExtJS,<br><br>I'd appreciate any suggestions about this problem, thanks in advance,<br><br>Best regards,<br><br>[1]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/7ow1t.png<br>[2]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/yQTOm.png<br>[3]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/YsWXc.png<br></font><br><font style="font-size:10pt" face="Arial" color="#1F497D" size="2"><br>__________________________________________________________________________________________<br>Piensa en el medio ambie<font style="" face="Arial">nte - mantenlo en la pantalla. NO lo imprimas si NO es necesario.</font></font><font style="font-size:10pt" face="Arial" color="#1F497D" size="2"><br></font><font style="font-size:10pt" face="Arial" color="#1F497D" size="2">Think green - keep it on the screen. Do NOT print if it is NOT necessary.</font><font style="font-size:10pt" face="Arial" color="#1F497D" size="2"><br></font><font style="font-size:10pt" face="Arial" color="#1F497D" size="2"><span id="ecxresult_box" class="ecxshort_text" lang="de"><span class="ecxhps">Denken Sie an</span> <span class="ecxhps">die Umwelt</span></span></font><font style="font-size:10pt" face="Arial" color="#1F497D" size="2"><span id="ecxresult_box" lang="de"><span class="ecxhps"></span> <span class="ecxhps">-</span> <span class="ecxhps">bewahren Sie es</span> <span class="ecxhps">auf dem Bildschirm.</span> <span class="ecxhps">Drucken Sie NICHT</span><span>, wenn</span> <span class="ecxhps">es NICHT notwendig ist</span><span>.</span></span></font><br> </div></div> </div></body>