<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div>hi,<br><br></div>I work with GML data and Style in Openlayers. My application is composed of two lists (one for style and one for data). I want that style change when the user change the selected value in the first list and that the data change when the user change the selected value in the second list.<br>
<br></div>For the style it is ok with : <br>function changeBySelect(layerToRedraw) {<br> layerChoose = map.getLayersByName(layerToRedraw);<br> if (layerToRedraw == "bati") {<br> if (document.getElementById("choix_alea").selectedIndex == 0) {<br>
var style_bati = new OpenLayers.Style();<br> style_bati.addRules([rule_bati_sans]);<br> }<br> ...<br> layerChoose[0].styleMap=style_bati;<br><br></div>but I don't find the solution to change the GML data url. Do you have an idea ?<br>
<br></div>Thank you.<br></div>