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<font face="Arial">Hi,<br>
I have this style:<br>
'var style_pdi = new OpenLayers.StyleMap({<br>
"default": new OpenLayers.Style({<br>
strokeColor: "#000000",<br>
strokeOpacity: .7,<br>
strokeWidth: 3,<br>
fillColor: "#ff0000",<br>
fillOpacity: 0,<br>
cursor: "pointer",<br>
label: "${nome}",<br>
"/img/simbologia_layers/pdi/" + "${id}" + ".png"<br>
When I turn on the layer with this style, OL tries to open a image
like that '.../undefined.png' despite getting the attribute id
If I use another attribute like 'name' works. Its some bug with
PK? If i run <br>
pontos_interesse_auditados.features[1].attributes.id' in firebug
all works well, i receive the id value. In this case 5.<br>