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First, I'm new on this list, maybe I will use it not really
I will probably ask for already answered questions. <br>
Now my purpose.<br>
I try to use in a production context Web Map Context.<br>
The goal is to persist a user's wmc context in its "preference" in
I started form the wmc.html exemple ( OpenLayers-2.12))<br>
I add 4 layers : <br>
a google one<br>
a osm one<br>
two WMS "classics'<br>
When I write the WMC only the two WMS ar in the final xml<br>
It seems correct regarding to the lib : WMC.js around line 170<br>
<span class="sourceRowText" role="presentation"> for (var i=0,
len=layers.length; i<len; i++) {
<div executable="true" id="sb156-L171" class="sourceRow"
role="presentation"><span class="sourceRowText"
role="presentation"> var layer = layers[i];
<div exe_line="true" breakpoint="true" executable="true"
id="sb156-L172" class="sourceRow" role="presentation"><span
class="sourceRowText" role="presentation"> if (layer
instanceof OpenLayers.Layer.WMS) {
<div breakpoint="true" executable="true" id="sb156-L173"
class="sourceRow" role="presentation"><span class="sourceRowText"
<div id="sb156-L174" class="sourceRow" role="presentation"><span
class="sourceRowText" role="presentation"> }
<div id="sb156-L175" class="sourceRow" role="presentation"><span
class="sourceRowText" role="presentation"> }
here are tests for my layers : <br>
<span class=" ">layer instanceof OpenLayers.Layer.OSM </span><span
role="presentation" class="objectBox objectBox-number ">true</span>
-> not in wmc <br>
<span class=" ">layer instanceof OpenLayers.Layer.Google </span><span
role="presentation" class="objectBox objectBox-number ">true</span>
-> not in wmc<br>
<span class=" ">layer instanceof OpenLayers.Layer.WMS </span><span
role="presentation" class="objectBox objectBox-number ">true</span>
-> in wmc<br>
Please how I can solve that ? <br>
thank you.<br>
PS : in on line wmc sample a google layer is written in wmc ... ?
other version ?<br>
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<b>Bernard Grosdoy</b><br>
Ingénieur d'études et développements<br>
<b>Business Unit E-SPACE & Geo Information</b></a><b>
- Département APPLICATIONS</b><br>
Cellule Eau, Environnement, Risques<br>
<b>CS Systèmes d'Information</b><br>
Parc de la Grande Plaine - 5, Rue Brindejonc des
Moulinais - BP 15872<br>
31506 Toulouse Cedex 05 - FRANCE<br>
Tel : +33 561 39 46 46 / Std : +33 561 17 66 66 / Fax :
+33 561 34 84 15 <br>
Email : <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext"