<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div>Hi<br><br></div>I want to change SLD's dynamically on my map for the WMS layers with the following code. <br><br> var sldfile = '<a href="http://myserver/resources/sld/test.sld">http://myserver/resources/sld/test.sld</a>';<br>
layer.mergeNewParams({sld: sldfile,SLD_BODY: null});<br><br></div>But the map refreshes when i execute this and the styles dont change. <br><br></div>I checked the accessibility of the sld url and it is accessible on the network.<br>
<br></div>I need some help to make this work.<br><br></div>Thanks<br><br></div>Shiv<br></div>