<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<div>I'm using OpenLayers2 within Geoexplorer and Geonode. By default in Geonode, SelectFeatures controls are added for each layer in the map to request the getFeatureInfo.</div>
<div>In addition, I made an extension to Geonode, which also includes adding some SelectFeatures Controls to an additional draw layer. </div>
<div>Now I have the problem, that the SelectFeatures Controls from my extension are not working anymore, whenever a layer is loaded which has the SelectFeature Control for the GetFeatureInfo.</div>
<div>When the layer with the GetFeature Select Control is loaded after the extension, the extension works and not the getfeatureinfo in the layer.</div>
<div>To summerize, only the selectFeatureControl works, which is loaded first. I tried deactivating those GetFeatureInfo Select Controls, but this didn't help. There must be somehow a conflict between those.</div>
<div>Here ist the code of the selectcontrols from my extension:</div>
<div> editSelectMultiple: new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(</div>
<div> [drawLayer], {</div>
<div> clickout: true,</div>
<div> toggle: true,</div>
<div> multiple: false,</div>
<div> hover: false,</div>
<div> multipleKey: 'shiftKey',</div>
<div> toggleKey: 'ctrlKey',</div>
<div> multiple: true,</div>
<div> vertexRenderIntent: 'select',</div>
<div> box: true,</div>
<div> onSelect: function(feature) {</div>
<div> if (drawLayer.selectedFeatures.length == 1) {</div>
<div> if (!Ext.getCmp('measureWindow')){</div>
<div> showMeasureWindow(); </div>
<div> } </div>
<div> setMeasureWindowValues(null, feature);</div>
<div> } else {</div>
<div> closeMeasureWindow();</div>
<div> }</div>
<div> </div>
<div> }</div>
<div> }</div>
<div> ),</div>
<div> hover: new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(</div>
<div> [drawLayer], {</div>
<div> hover: true,</div>
<div> highlightOnly: true,</div>
<div> renderIntent: "temporary"</div>
<div> }</div>
<div> ),</div>
<div>Does anyone has an idea of how to fix that?</div>
<div>Thanks in advance,</div>