[OSGeo BC] City of Nanaimo is now on Koordinates.com

Sam Vekemans acrosscanadatrails at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 18:24:46 EDT 2011

 Hi Everyone!
I'm happy to report that all 24 layers that are available from the City of
Nanaimo's geo-data website[1] , is now available on Koordinates.com[2] as a
supplier profile.  Making it the 1st city in Canada to have all the
available geo-data layers as public access.

Koordinates.com is a free world-wide geo-data collection website, created by
awesome developers in New Zealand, (who are currently busy with updating the
website, and adding aerial imagery from the post-earth quake hit areas.)

What's great about having this geo-data all in the same place, is that it
makes it easy to compare the similar geo-data from (for example Natural
Resources Canada [3] so to be able to find out the differences and create
better maps as a result.

For those of you who would like editing access to these pages (to help make
it better, if you see errors and to update the data) just ask, and i can
include you into the list.

Once the Province of BC (eventually) sees the value of making their geo-data
available, this can be added.  (I guess i 'could' start uploading it, and
i'd need to just set the data-licence as 'non-commercial / and
no-modifications allowed',
If anyone wants to help with this process (of uploading BC data), please
just ask.  But for now, i'm in no rush, because of the silly restriction.

Hope this is helpfull to some people out there.


[3] http://koordinates.com/maps/natural-resources-canada/
Across Canada Trails - Beyond 2017 - The National Trails Network
Victoria, BC Canada

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