[osgeo4w-dev] Progress Update

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Fri Mar 14 19:02:32 EDT 2008


I do have one thing to say on this (I'll let Frank discuss 
bin/lib/share):  My opinion is that all applications (web-based and 
desktop) should live in the /osgeo4w/apps folder.  For example, I think 
GRASS should live in /osgeo4w/apps/grass (even though I see that it does 
not at this point)  Putting GRASS at the osgeo4w root means that all 
desktop apps could live at the root, which becomes quite messy.  I hope 
we all agree on the mandatory use of the /osgeo4w/apps folder.


andrea antonello wrote:
> Were are applications supposed to live, that are completely contained
> inside a folder and are not flexible enough to be split into bin, lib
> and share etc? Udig is an executable inside a folder containing all
> the needed libs and referring to those through the internal relative
> path. I will investigate the possibility to split, but were to put it
> if it has to be like that? Perhaps a /opt would be the most linux-like
> choice? Are there other softwares having the same porblem?
> Thanks,
> Andrea

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