Hi, This is Mahmood am using gdal to cut and mask an raster image.<br />
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I was going through your tutorial on Clipping a rater file using gdal, iam also doing some thing simillar, i have clipped a raster image using gdal_translate command and now i want to mask this clipped raster image to a polygon shape. I found your tutorial very helpful and tried to use the code what you have shown to mask a raster file,but it does nothing.<br />
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code am trying<br />
gdalwarp -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE -co TILED=YES -of GTiff<br />
-r lanczos -cutline shapefile.shp sourcefile.tif destfile.tif<br />
and am trying this in osgeo4W command prompt, and the whole code is in one single line<br />
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anykind of help would be much appriciated, please help me out with this its really very urgent for me and am struggling to do this from last week.<br />
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looking forward to hear from you<br />
Thanks Heaps<br />
Cheers<br />
M A Khan<br />
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