Hello all,<br><br>I am having a problem quite similar to Matin's. I simply want to use the 1.7 version of GDAL, yet I get pretty much the same error messages. I uninstalled and reinstalled, re-ran the msvcrt package (and saw a dialog about VS 2005 like Martin), but nothing worked. My machine has VS 2008 installed, so I copied the msvcr90 and msvcp90 DLLs from that into the OSGeo4W/bin folder and that satisfied the "Canot find" error, but then it couldn't fine the COREDLL.dll, and after that the MMVCR70 and MMVCP70 DLLs. I tried all this on a second machine that had never had an OSGeo4W install and does not have VS 2008, but experienced the same problem. Both machines are running Windows 7, 64-bit.<br>
<br>Thomas Juntunen<br>-- <br><span style="border-collapse:collapse;color:rgb(136, 136, 136);font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px">Thomas Juntunen</span><div><span style="border-collapse:collapse;color:rgb(136, 136, 136);font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px">Research Fellow/GIS Specialist</span></div>
<div><span style="border-collapse:collapse;color:rgb(136, 136, 136);font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px">Polar Geospatial Center<br>310 Pillsbury Drive SE, Room 30<br>Department of Geology and Geophysics<br>University of Minnesota<br>
Minneapolis, MN 55455<br><a style="color:rgb(42, 93, 176)">612-626-0505</a></span></div><br>