<div class="gmail_quote">( My first message awaits moderation because of attached screendumps. This message is without screendumps which instead can be found at <a href="http://imgur.com/a/ij7vl">http://imgur.com/a/ij7vl</a> )<br>
<br>Hi Matt,<br><br>I tried running the script from <a href="https://bitbucket.org/maphew/addpath/src/8cde9893daa4/bug_295" target="_blank">https://bitbucket.org/maphew/addpath/src/8cde9893daa4/bug_295</a><br><br>It still hangs on findstr. Please see attached screendump (maphew_bug_295_bat_from_git.png). On the dump you can see that findstr has used 2:27 CPU minutes. This time it didnt crash - I killed it after 13 CPU minutes.<br>
<br>I tried running <br>echo ^"c:\test|findstr /i /r /c:^"^^\"[a-zA-Z]:[\\/][^\\/]"<br>This statement also just runs forever. Please see attached findstr_simple_test.png.<br><br>Running<br>findstr /i /r /c:^"^^\"[a-zA-Z]:[\\/][^\\/]"<br>
has exactly the same result as the two above: findstr runs forever at full speed on one core. And it does not allow (or at least react to) user input.<br><br>From this afternoon and three weeks ahead I will be offline. Another problem with regard to this bug is that I will not have access to this exact computer when I get back.What I will have is another computer installed with the exact same image as this one. So in some way I hope that I cannot reproduce the bug by then :-) <br>
<br>Best regards<span class="HOEnZb"><font color="#888888"><br>Asger<br>