Hi,<br><br>Let me introduce myself:<br>I'm new osgeo4w user, after I discovered gdal and qgis.<br>I tried it because I started to dislike programs that ship own Python on board. Believe it or not but I can name more then 5 programs in my current setup that have own Python distribution aside my system Python distribution (and it's is a same version!).<br>
Compiling qgis OTOH is not worth to avoid this nuisance, but installing environment like osgeo4w is what I found excellent choice.<br><br>Now, I have one issue with osgeo4w shell - osgeo4w sets it's path as last item in PATH variable, so if some executable is found in prior set directories it will be executed instead osgeo4w version, like I just experienced. Here is how osgeo4w sets path (<a href="http://i.imgur.com/AjEJV.png">http://i.imgur.com/AjEJV.png</a>):<br>
<br><img alt="Inline image 1" src="cid:ii_13b8572df03845aa" height="410" width="779"><br><br>I opened OSGeo4W.bat to see how it sets variables, and then see it calls other batch files and all this environment variables setting is over-complicated I hope for a reason, as it makes user intervention unlikely. So my suggestion is whatever scripts sets PATH variable to set it like this:<br>
<br> set path=%osgeo4w-path%;%path%<br><br>instead:<br><br> set path=%path%;%osgeo4w-path%<br><br>That way command clashing can be avoided. At least for the issue I had, when program from my system Python scripts was executed unsuccessfully instead from osgeo4w Python script folder.<br>