[OSGeoJapan-discuss] FOSS4G2011デンバー用Abstract

hayashi @ apptec.co.jp hayashi @ apptec.co.jp
2011年 4月 17日 (日) 01:46:55 EDT



wata909奮闘記 ですねw


| みなさま
| 帝塚山の吉田です。
| 先日の嘉山さんの市大ワークショップでの資料を元に
| 9月にDenverで行われますFOSS4G2011 (http://2011.foss4g.org/)用Abstractをsubmitしました。
| (市大のラガワン先生にも内容追加・修正頂きました。ありがとうございました。)
| 内容は震災後の私達の一連の活動・プロジェクトの紹介になります。
| オンラインでどのように連携(他コミュニティも含めて)して,
| どんなツール・データを使用したのか,役に立ったか,奮闘記のような内容を考えています。
| Speakerは私の名前でとりあえず登録しましたが,
| 当日はみなさんのバックアップを期待しています。
| また,Other AuthorはOSGeo Japanとしています。
| 今回の震災での経験を,もっと世界に伝えるべきであるし,
| 次の機会に活かすべきだと思い,かなりギリギリではありましたが作成に至りました。
| 発表が選ばれるかは分かりませんが,
| 噂によると月曜日までは,修正ができるかもしれませんので,
| 何か不都合など,ご意見があればお聞かせください。
| よろしくお願い致します。
| --
| Title: Response of OSGeo Japan with other communities to the Great East
| Japan Earthquake
|  At 2:46PM, 11th, March 2011, the Great East Japan Earthquake struck the
| Tohoku region. After a half hour, huge tsunamis affected a wide range of
| coastal areas of the eastern Japan and caused tremendous damage. Loss of
| life in the disaster region and vast damage to lifeline and infrastructure
| were reported even in places as far as the Japanese capital, Tokyo.
| Fortunately, data communication line of 3G was mostly available in some
| parts of affected areas.
|  Social media services such as Twitter, SNS and other communication
| tools, were effectively used for contacting people like disaster victims,
| volunteer workers and also local/ national governments. These services not
| only contributed to emergency communications, but also to provide
| collaboration platforms for responding disaster relief as quickly as
| possible.
|  A team of volunteers from the OSGeo and other communities in Japan and
| some from overseas got together to
| provide support for relief and rescue with in a few hours of the disaster.
| Many initiatives using FOSS4G technologies were started  after the crisis
| across nations and various communities. This presentation describes how
| online-volunteers, mainly OSGeo Japan team, responded to the crisis.
| - How FOSS4G tools were used and the problems encountered and addressed.
| - How software and data were customized  for the relief works.
| - Collaborative efforts of online-volunteers and other communities.
| Following initiatives are explained,
| - Crowd-sourcing for translation of place names, translation
| of software, manuals and user guides
| - Geo-referencing high-resolution orthophoto images.
| - Providing WMS access to geo-referenced satellite images
| - Handling a large number of access by making use of Cloud platform
| - Setting up of storage server for exchange of large volume of data
| - Distribution of OSGeo software and data and training to concerned
| agencies and
| individuals involved in relief and rescue
| The presentation will also discuss future efforts that are
| planned for speedy recovery and encourage resilience amongst
| the communities.
| --
| 吉田 大介
| 帝塚山学院大学 リベラルアーツ学部
| 589-8585 大阪狭山市今熊2-1823
| TEL 072.365.0865 FAX 072.365.5628
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