[Live-demo] deegree script for installation

Judit Mays mays at lat-lon.de
Mon Sep 7 00:43:30 PDT 2009

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Hello Hamish,
thanks for your help!

My colleague and I have decided to do it this way:

pid=$(ps fax|grep deegree|grep java|grep -v grep|cut -d\   -f 2)
kill -9 $pid

It is safe to assume that there is no other software running anything
with the name "deegree" inside, so storage of the deegree pid when
starting is not necessary, as it can be read from ps easily when
deegree-tomcat is running and shall be turned off.

> can it be done by non-superuser?

actually I havn't tried. I just copied the udig script and adapted it
where needed. And the udig script uses sudo, so I did the same.

I will try it without sudo and see what happens.

Kind regards,

Hamish schrieb:
> Judit Mays wrote:
>> Due to "I don't know how..." the "stop deegree" desktop icon
>> doesn't do what it should. If anyone can fix it that would be
>> super cool. Otherwise please remove the relevant part creating
>> the stop icon from the install script.
> can it be done by non-superuser?
> "killall tomcat" ?  (would take out others using it)
> (or `pkill`)
> in the startup script write PID to a file, then in shutdown
> script use that for `kill`?
> e.g.
> ### in startup
> if [ ! -d ~/.deegree ] ; then
>   mkdir ~/.deegree
> fi
> echo $$ > ~/.deegree/pid
> # or, if current pid is not what you want use `pgrep`
> # but if you can do that why not just killall or pkill later?
> pgrep tomcat > ~/.deegree/pid
> ### in shutdown
> DEEG_PID=`cat ~/.deegree/pid`
> \rm ~/.deegree/pid
> kill $DEEG_PID
> ?
> Hamish

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