[Live-demo] 5.5 Beta 3 Status - rasdaman

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 14:05:13 PST 2012

Thanks for the investigation.

The full build process is explained here:

and the key few steps of interest to you are explained here:

What could also help in the interim is to have someone with the latest 
VM rerun your install_rasdaman script, and see if the script works 
outside your work's firewall.
Ideally, your script should be able to be run a second time, and for it 
to work as expected. Do you know if that is the case?

On 10/02/12 07:48, Dimitar Misev wrote:
> Hi Cameron,
> I committed a fix, hopefully it will work on the next build. How can I 
> build the VM myself to test the installation? Running the install 
> script alone works fine.
> Dimitar
> On 02/09/2012 08:54 PM, cameron.shorter at gmail.com wrote:
>> Peter, Dimitar,
>> Did you see this analysis from Hamish? Could you please let us know 
>> whether the issues
>> rasdaman need to be followed up on, and note what needs to be done.
>> On 09/02/12 16:57, Hamish wrote:
>>> Angelos wrote:
>>>> beta 3 is up now:
>>>> http://aiolos.survey.ntua.gr/gisvm/5.5/
>>> a couple of observations after a quick look at the build log:
>>> R stats:
>>> Err http://cran.cnr.berkeley.edu natty/ Packages
>>>    404  Not Found [IP: 2607:f140:0:8000::201 80]
>>> QGIS:
>>> ./install_qgis.sh: 58: easy_install: not found
>>> maptiler:
>>> [huh?]
>>> --2012-02-06 10:24:35--  
>>> http://download.osgeo.org/gdal/data/gtiff/utm.tif
>>> Resolving download.osgeo.org... failed: Name or service not known.
>>> wget: unable to resolve host address `download.osgeo.org'
>>> (please change to use an included geotiff from the North Carolina 
>>> sample dataset)
>>> rasdaman:
>>> mv: cannot stat `rview': No such file or directory
>>> ...
>>> echo "rasql -q 'insert into lena values inv_tiff($1)' --file 
>>> lena.tiff --user rasadmin --passwd rasadmin --port 7001 -d RASBASE"
>>> rasql -q 'insert into lena values inv_tiff()' --file lena.tiff 
>>> --user rasadmin --passwd rasadmin --port 7001 -d RASBASE
>>> rasql -q 'insert into lena values inv_tiff($1)' --file lena.tiff 
>>> --user rasadmin --passwd rasadmin --port 7001 -d RASBASE
>>> rasql: rasdaman query tool v1.0, rasdaman v8 -- generated on 
>>> 06.02.2012 11:23:49.
>>> opening database RASBASE at localhost:7001...rasdaman error 805: 
>>> RasManager Error: No suitable servers started, call administrator.
>>> rasql done.
>>> make[1]: *** [import] Error 255
>>> make[1]: Leaving directory 
>>> `/tmp/build_rasdaman/rasdaman_data_8-3/DataImport/lena'
>>> make[1]: Entering directory 
>>> `/tmp/build_rasdaman/rasdaman_data_8-3/DataImport/mowglie'
>>> insertppm -c mowglie -u rasadmin -p rasadmin Mowglie/moglie????.ppm
>>> RasManager Error: No suitable servers started, call administrator.
>>> make[1]: *** [import] Error 255
>>> pycsw:
>>> 34302:31472:/usr/local/share/gisvm/doc/de/overview/pycsw_overview.rst:26: 
>>> (ERROR/3) Unknown target name: "python".
>>> 34303:31474:/usr/local/share/gisvm/doc/de/overview/pycsw_overview.rst:73: 
>>> (ERROR/3) Unknown target name: "mit".
>>> spatialite:
>>> 34304:31495:/usr/local/share/gisvm/doc/de/quickstart/spatialite_quickstart.rst:88: 
>>> (ERROR/3) Unknown target name: "documentation und tutorials".
>>> thanks,
>>> Hamish

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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