[Live-demo] vmware quickstart

Frank Gasdorf fgdrf at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Feb 13 12:29:04 PST 2012

Hi folks,
thanks for writing this quickstart guide! I picked up the origin
version and translated it to German. While I've done this I updated
the English version as well (minor changes to have a better copy and
paste user experience for the Terminal commands ;)).

The current state is, that there is a single page that isn't
references anywhere else. IMHO we should add a doc: reference within
one or all of the following pages:
* osgeolive_quickstart
* virtualbox_quickstart and
* index as well.

In addition the cross reference should be complete from the other side
too, means from the vmware_quickstart in a see also section back to
other documents, template can be copied from virtualbox_quickstart
(See also)

Any other suggestions where to add cross references?

The second I would like to mention is the creation process of the
configuration with the easyvmx service. I guess the description is
well done but in case of an "offline" host, this quickstart would'nt
work. I also work with vmware player and vmware fusion and please
correct me if I'm wrong, but its not necessary to use as service like
I've done the following steps:
- download
- unzip
- open vmware fusion (mac) / vmware player (linux, windows)
- "New" without an ISO image
- use an existing virtual divice/hdd
- choose the vmdk file
- properly confirm to convert, if there is a version mismatch
- change configuration (RAM and CPU) which leads to a save dialog to
save the vmx file.
- done.

Could anybody confirm this with an VMWare Player installation on
Linux. I'll try this on windows tomorrow...

An other cool idea would be an enhanced build script that already
creates a vmx file where the filename and the references within
matching the vmdk file. This vmx file could be zipped as well with


2012/2/6 Micha Silver <micha at arava.co.il>:
> On 06/02/2012 07:41, Hamish wrote:
> Micha wrote:
>   I've prepared and uploaded to the svn trunk/doc/en/quickstart
>      directory an explanation of setting up an OSGeo VM using the
>      VMWare Player.
>    (I made no changes to the existing main quickstart, nor the
>      osgeo_install files, so this new vmware quickstart won't appear
>      anywhere yet, until it has been reviewed and a link entered into
>      one of the main quickstarts)
>    Comments/criticism welcome...
> rendered view:
> http://adhoc.osgeo.osuosl.org/livedvd/docs/en/quickstart/vmware_quickstart.html
> Thanks, anything that needs to be added?
> Hamish
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