[Live-demo] Geo4All branding on OSGeo-Live?

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Mon Jul 11 18:40:09 PDT 2016

Hi Suchith,

It is great to see such uptake of OSGeo-Live from the Geo4All community, 
and you are right, there is potential for cross advertising between 

We discussed this and your request in our OSGeo-Live weekly meeting today.

One of our weaknesses in the OSGeo-Live team is our ability to 
continuously keep the project maintained, current, and TESTED. Testing 
is something that the Geo4All community could help us with, because as 
users you are the experts we need feedback from users to confirm 
projects work as expected.

To date, OSGeo-Live has added logos to our webpages for organisations 
and communities who have contributed something tangible (and usually 
sustained) toward OSGeo-Live development. If the Geo4All could 
coordinate something similar, (maybe in the form of sustained testing 
resources, or extensions to documentation), then it would be appropriate 
to add a Geo4All logo to OSGeo-Live.

That said, we do think it would make sense to include a brief (one or 
two sentence) description of OSGeo to the OSGeo-Live home page. This 
might include a mention of Geo4All.

Warm regards, Cameron

On 11/07/2016 3:48 PM, Suchith Anand wrote:
> Hi  Marc, all,
> Our colleagues at Geo4All (the official  OSGeo's Education outreach) 
> are actively promoting OSGeoLiveDVDs to esp. those who are new to 
> learn and then switch over to OSGeo. Our focus is reaching out to new 
> communities and it will be really helpful if you can arrange OSGeo 
> Live DVDs to be handed out at the FOSS4G and other events . If you can 
> have Geo4All logo added to the LiveDVDs it will be very helpful.
> Could someone help us with adding the Geo4All logo and url to the 
> OSGeoLive DVDs. Many thanks.
> Best wishes,
> Suchith

Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 8099 9000,  M +61 419 142 254, Wwww.jirotech.com

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