[Oskari-user] Oskari versions & GFI

Sanna Jokela sanna at gispo.fi
Wed Jan 17 07:07:44 PST 2018

Hi Sami! Thank you so much! I think we will manage with this info!

Br, Sanna

17.1.2018 3.30 ip. "Mäkinen Sami (MML)" <sami.makinen at maanmittauslaitos.fi>

> Hi Sanna,
> GFI content that is queried from WMS-services has been changed in 1.44.0
> with this PR: https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-server/pull/77. It
> basically removes any tags that is NOT listed here:
> https://jsoup.org/apidocs/org/jsoup/safety/Whitelist.html#relaxed-- from
> the HTML-response, but seems to keep the text-content inside removed tags
> (like HTML-title…). Currently we think it’s a bit too restrictive and have
> plans to relax the constraints a bit in 1.45.x or 1.46.x or make this more
> configurable. In practice this means that for example CSS-style definitions
> that one might have in GFI HTML-templates are removed before they are shown
> on the user interface. So any customized table header row background color
> etc will be removed. Using something like <tr bgcolor=”[color]”> will
> probably work (haven’t tested) but using <style> tags won’t work as they
> are not part of the whitelist.
> I don’t think there are any new fields added to (or removed from) the
> layer administration in the last versions so things like XSLT are still
> there. There are some internal changes in capabilities parsing
> functionalities coming up in 1.45.x, but nothing really that affects users.
> Adding layers provided by different servers *should* work as long as the
> capabilities document is parseable by GeoTools 14.2. (current version
> Oskari uses). Known issues here are capabilities documents that link to
> schemas that require authentication (and missing schemas). I’m not sure but
> I think at least MapServer does this if the layer requires authentication.
> Newer version of Geotools can work around this, but we are still in the
> process of updating the library version. Also having self-signed HTTPS
> certificates on the WMS-server might be a problem.
> BR,
>        Sami
> *Lähettäjä:* Oskari-user [mailto:oskari-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] *Puolesta
> *Sanna Jokela
> *Lähetetty:* 17. tammikuuta 2018 14:28
> *Vastaanottaja:* oskari-user at lists.osgeo.org
> *Kopio:* Erno Mäkinen <erno at gispo.fi>
> *Aihe:* [Oskari-user] Oskari versions & GFI
> Hi all!
> Can you enlighten us if there are some big changes with previous Oskari
> versions vs. 1.44 version regarding GFI pop-ups?
> One of our client has older version of Oskari and you can add GFI using
> XSLT and utilize GeoServer templates in the GFI pop-ups. If they update
> Oskari to the newer version, should they expect some changes in the admin
> section when adding new interfaces?
> And another question.Our client is experiencing some problems with adding
> WMS-datasets from GeoServer and MapServer and we would like to know if
> there is/has been some difference in Oskari how it handles different
> interface facilitators or are the problems always in the interface? We are
> tracking down the problems, but some seem to be related to the server side
> software they are using. So just in case, if there has been issues with
> Oskari in the past with handling interfaces - it would be good to know :)
> Also the 1.44. release note says that it will not take the interface GFI
> templates into account anymore (due to messing up with the UI).
> *"Querying map features has been improved, since the infoBox style is no
> longer dependent on service providers definitions (in practice all possible
> style definitions in the GetFeatureInfo derived from the called WMS
> interface are removed) ".*
> Is it now so that it does not matter what kind of GFI templates you are
> assembling when creating the interface, if you only want them to be seen
> through Oskari? Or have I understood something wrong.
> Thanks for the answers!
> --
> Sanna Jokela
> paikkatietoasiantuntija
> Gispo Oy
> 0407664607
> www.gispo.fi
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