[Oskari-user] Upcoming release / Community Day on April

Mäkinen Sami (MML) sami.makinen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Mon Feb 10 07:21:15 PST 2020

Hi all,

We are preparing to release a new version (1.55.0) at the end of the month (or early March). We have some improvements for the 3D-functionalities coming up as well a fix for the WFS-T functionality (content-editor) to work properly with the new WFS integration system. There has been rising interest for both of these features and we are currently working on setup instructions for the 3D-functionalities. I noticed that the documentation for WFS-T is really old with steps ranging from downloading some very old version of Oskari to running SQL in the database and some references to folders named "tampere" and feels like it's in a dire need of an update. Anyone to take a look at it and give the documentation some love? (https://oskari.org/documentation/backend/installing-wfst)

We are also targeting to have the new layer admin functionality in an MVP stage for the release and hope to replace the old one with the new one on our Oskari-instances. The old one will still be available for now but won't be developed anymore with the new one having much better user experience and generally being more awesome.

Also Oskari Community Day 2020 will be held on 23rd of April, somewhere in Helsinki - mark this to your calendar and you can sign in here: https://www.meetup.com/Oskari-Your-geospatial-friend/events/268529212/

See you there!

Best regards,

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