[Oskari-user] Upcoming Oskari release 2.1.0

Mäkinen Sami (MML) sami.makinen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Tue Nov 3 02:50:49 PST 2020

Hello everyone,

We are planning on releasing the next Oskari version in a week or two so it's the last hours to get any PRs in and through the review process if you still want to get something included in the 2.1.0! The major change since 2.0 is the ability to define filters for WFS queries allowing to show a subset of features from a service instead of the whole dataset as a map layer (https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-docs/issues/228). On the frontend side we are planning on updating OpenLayers and Cesium before the release. The current CesiumJS version is a bit dated at this point and looks like we are able to streamline the process for using the 3D-mapmodule. If you already have a 3D-app on your instance you will need to make a few changes that we'll document on the release notes (mainly remove postinstall script and CesiumJS loading code from index.js). If you haven't used the 3D-mapmodule yet it will be a bit simpler to use on an app than before.

Best regards,
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