[Oskari-user] Oskari 2.9.0 released!

Mäkinen Sami sami.makinen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Tue Sep 27 07:24:26 PDT 2022

Good news everyone,

We released Oskari 2.9.0 yesterday and it is now available on GitHub (https://github.com/oskariorg) and Oskari.org Maven repository. The sample application package has been updated on the download link in Oskari.org (https://oskari.org/download) and http://download.osgeo.org/oskari/. As always you can take a peek at the latest release at https://demo.oskari.org/.

This time we have a bunch of smaller improvements, bug fixes and library updates and we have migrated the "guided tour" functionality on geoportal and the layer list functionality on embedded maps from jQuery to React.js. You might need to update application specific code if you used the guided tour by pushing your app-specific content to it. The layer list on embedded maps now has the "default UI" option present the rounded dark style like most other tools and the old text-based UI is no longer available. We also added new options for "draw tools" for programmatic usage (on embedded maps for example).

Release Notes

For a full list of changes see: https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-frontend/milestone/39?closed=1

Draw tools

Added an option for draw tools to use a validation limit for length of a line and area of a polygon. The limits can be set with StartDrawingRequest options:



    limits: {

        area: `number in m2 limiting area size`,

        length: `number in meters limiting line length`



Enabled modifying a geometry with a limited shape for Circle, Box and Square. Previously modifying a polygon shape was always done in a way that resulted in losing the original shape (new points could be added and individual points could be moved to skew the geometry). The previous method for editing is still available when using the shape Polygon to be used for editing.

Fixed issues with intersection checks and measurements results when editing a feature.

Guided tour

Guided tour implementation has been migrated from jQuery to React. This might affect custom/app-specific bundles that add content to the Guided tour.

Text content should work like before/without changes but any custom actions that for example open a functionality etc needs to be migrated. You can see the changes required for bundles on this PR: https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-frontend/pull/1927/files

Admin layer-editor

Admin now has an option to visualize the layer coverage area (when available) on the map in the layer admin visualization tab. This is helpful for debugging issues where layer contents are not shown properly due to coverage area issues.

Vector tile layers now have an option to enable "declutter" which draws labels separately from features. This has some performance implications but can be used to fix an issue where labels are clipped at tile edges.

Swipe tool

Hover on vector features is now disabled when the "swipe" tool is active. This prevents an issue where features that are not shown due to swipe could be hovered on, bringing them visible.

GFI/vector object data is no longer queried for clicks on "hidden" side of the swipe tool for the layer that is not shown due to swipe.

Layer selection tool on embedded maps

The layer list implementation for embedded maps has been rewritten with React.

The default UI option is now the rounded dark one with an icon (like most of the other tools) instead of the textual button on the map.


  *   First steps has been taken on publisher for jQuery -> React migration
  *   Layer selection tool now allows showing metadata links for layers (option in publisher)
  *   Fixed an error where map size was not always properly reset from preview size to full size when exiting the publisher
  *   Fixed an issue where the mobile toolbar was not shown properly when tools were added with the map size preview set to small

Other fixes

  *   Marker size backward compatibility fix: #1947<https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-frontend/pull/1947>
  *   Improved support to show diverging statistical data with choropleth visualization
  *   Searching/filtering layers with text has been improved
  *   Replaced lot of custom Delete-button impls with the generic on under oskari-ui
  *   Fixed a visual issue where some icons on buttons were clipped from the bottom when using Safari as browser
  *   The frontend no longer expects WMTS-layers to have resource urls
  *   An error notification is now displayed to user if there is a technical problem showing a WMTS-layer (tile matrix can't be parsed etc)
  *   Added a notification when user adds a layer to map that was previously hidden (a very specific scenario where user adds a layer, hides it, removes it from map and adds it to map again)
  *   Fixed an issue with the table-component where large continuous content on a cell (like my places feature with a long name without any spaces etc) could push the rest of table columns "off screen"
  *   Restored proper data provider "groups" for user generated content (my places, userlayers etc)
  *   Fixed an issue where removing a personal default view on geoportal could reload the page with an unexpected system default (like a 3d geoportal instead of the default 2d)
  *   Vector tile layers are now listed under "raster layers" filter since they behave more like raster than vector layers from end-user perspective (previously they were not listed under any layer type filters)

Library updates

  *   OpenLayers 6.13 -> 7.1 (NOTE! OpenLayers 7.0 dropped support for Internet Explorer)
  *   geostats 1.8.0 -> 2.0.0
  *   Unused libraries that were stored under oskari-frontend/libraries have been removed: jstree, clipper


For a full list of changes see: https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-server/milestone/42?closed=1

  *   Allow users to include metadata flyout in embedded maps.
  *   Allow admins to override capabilities based max features limit for vector sources with layer attributes.
  *   Handle missing legend url for proxied layer to reduce noise in server logs.
  *   Enable region mapping for search results in WFS search channels: #883<https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-server/pull/883>
  *   Handle timeseries layer with single time value and no resolution part as normal layer.
  *   Pass user generated statistical indicators for frontend even when they don't have data (since user can add data for them later).
  *   Library updates:
     *   GeoTools: 25.1 => 27.1
     *   JTS: 1.18.1 => 1.18.2
     *   MVT (no.ecc.vectortile): 1.3.15 => 1.3.16
     *   JSoup 1.14.2 -> 1.15.3
     *   postgres JDBC 42.3.3 -> 42.5.0
     *   Jetty 9.4.44.v20210927 -> 9.4.48.v20220622

Happy updating,
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