[Ottawa_users] Minutes of the meeting, Apr 25th

Fabien Ancelin fabien.ancelin at gmail.com
Sun Apr 28 14:38:46 PDT 2013

Dear fellow members of* *the Ottawa Chapter of OSGeo,

Given the number of information and topics that were brought to the table
on April 25th, I thought it would make sense to share the minutes of the

*Talks about Open Data Initiative :*

   - The role of GIS experts in the Open Data Initiative and the usability
   of Open Data.How to provide developers with data that really empower
   citizens through quality and usability.
   - I would like to see if I can get us to connect at least once with the
   open data Ottawa since my experience during Toronto Hackathon pointed out a
   real need for spatial data. Out of 30 presented apps, between 5 and 10 were
   using geospatial information.

*The **Ottawa Chapter of OSGeo would like to take part in two events :*

   - Software Freedom Day in September 2013.
   - GIS Day in November 2013

It means that we need two things :

   - A place for those two event
   - Volunteers that would be up for a presentation. Up until know, we have
   4 people up for that. (I messed up with my notes, so please feel free to
   modify that as you want.
   - Javed : Optics
      - Regie : Balloon mapping
      - Richard : Open Street Map
      - Me : PostGIS 2.0

Other volunteers are welcomed. Regarding the venues, we mentioned a couple
of options that I will explore during this month.

   - Carleton University
   - Ottawa University
   - Find a place in collaboration with the Eclipse Foundation

If anyone can help to make those events happen, I would love to hear from
you. More updates next month :).


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