[Ottawa_users] Fwd: VG2014 - 5 at 7 to promote the event in September

Fabien Ancelin fabien.ancelin at gmail.com
Tue Aug 26 16:54:09 PDT 2014

Hello alls,

I hope you are all alive and kicking as the summer times is giving us its
last crazy hot days. I hope everyone got to enjoy the sun a little bit. As
a appetizer for September, Daniel is trying to organize a communication
event about EnvisionGeomatics 2014 in Gatineau. This event is coming really
close, so more than ever, spread the word.

I hope to have more info about that soon.



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Daniel Morissette <dmorissette at mapgears.com>
Date: 2014-08-18 21:05 GMT-04:00
Subject: VG2014 - 5 at 7 to promote the event in September
To: Andrew Ross <andrew.ross at eclipse.org>, Fabien Ancelin <
fabien.ancelin at gmail.com>, Karine Jean <kjean at cgq.qc.ca>

Hi Andrew, Fabien,

We talked about the idea of organizing a 5 at 7 in Gatineau on or around
September 16 to promote the VG2014 event, and I was wondering if you'd be
available and interested in participating and helping promote the event in
your respective networks. Also, are you aware of otehr activities in Ottaa
that would conflict with that date?

I included Karine in CC. She is thinking about doing it either at the
Gainsbourg or the Bieres du Temps in Gatineau, which are close to the
location of the event.

BTW, I need to talk to you about finalizing the open source program. I'll
be in touch in another email about this.

Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000
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