[Ottawa_users] June OSGeo Ottawa Meet-Up

Jérôme St-Louis jerstlouis at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 17:10:14 PDT 2018

Dear OSGeo Ottawa community,

Please join us tomorrow (Thursday, June 21st) for our monthly meetup at 
the Fox & Feather on Elgin around 7:00 PM.

Fabien will give a short talk about */Esri JavaScript API 4.x - 
Interactions with Open Source technology in the JavaScript world./*

RSVP for the event on Meetup: 

Fabien will also briefly talk to us about the GDAL Barn Raising 
fundraising which is happening ( http://gdalbarn.com ).
This is addressing some interesting challenges currently faced by users 
and of GDAL, PROJ and libgeotiff:

  * The dreaded ad hoc CSV databases in PROJ_LIB and GDAL_DATA are
    frustrating for users, pose challenges for developers, and impede
    interoperability of definitions.
  * GDAL and PROJ are missing OGC WKT2 support.
  * PROJ 5.0+ no longer requires datum transformation pivots through
    WGS84, which can introduce errors of up to 2m, but the rest of the
    tools do not take advantage of it.

Also I would like to discuss a quick update on FOSS4G 2018 in Tanzania 
(I will be presenting about the Unified Map Service; anyone else is 
heading over? That's at the end of August.) and FOSS4G 2020 (Jeff 
McKenna and his team are putting up a bid to host it in Halifax -- 

Hoping to see many of you tomorrow despite (or maybe because of) the 
nice summer weather.
Seems like it will be sunny tomorrow evening so maybe we could hang out 
on the terrace?



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