Hi Folks,<br><br>Just wanted to recap our last meetup for the folks who couldn't make it & a way for us to look back at some of our chats/ideas etc.<br><br>Big thanks to all those that attended. We had one of the largest turn outs in a while. Thanks to the folks from the GoGeomatics/National Capital GIS group who came out. For background I had attended their meeting the previous night.<br>
<br>I would like to introduce a loose structure to the meetings, just a quick intro/news & items of note at the beginning. So that that end here are the items covered.<br>1) FOSS4GNA - at moment appears I am the only one going.<br>
2) New OSGEO 5.5 Live DVD released.<br>3) Chapter 2011 update - requested suggestions. I am taking care of this.<br>4) Tectara Meeting Feb 29 - Ed Parson's giving one of the key notes.<br>5) FOSS4G 2013 RFP Process announced.<br>
<br>Handed out the last of my OSGEO Live DVD's. Good timing considering the new release. I plan on burning some copies & will have at next meetup.<br><br>Below are just a few of the notes I captured from interesting talks, points of view and other conservations. This is not everything, so please add to this:<br>
<br>1) Balloon mapping from Teresa. This looks really neat & apparently the kit minus helium is about $80. I am looking into this as a side project for the group. (<a href="http://publiclaboratory.org">publiclaboratory.org</a>)<br>
2) Along the topics of balloons was the mention of the Perth high altitude launch group. Andrew I recall you mentioned someone you knew was in contact with them. Would be really neat to tap into these folks.<br>3) Ottawa Python/Ruby/Perl groups. Could we meetup together? <br>
4) Growing interest & discussion on the use of virtual machines.<br>5) Open streetmap usage & contributors in the Ottawa area. Seems like Toronto users get together for mapping parties etc.<br>6) Andrew gave a fantastic talk about FOSS licenses.<br>
7) Again thanks Andrew for speaking about & posting information on FOSS business models.<br>8) Porter now flies to Washington, so if you're going to FOSS4GNA make sure to check them out.<br>9) There is a vacancy on the FOSS4G board.<br>
10) FME World Tour coming to Ottawa. Thanks Christie for the mention. Great way to get some free training.<br>11) Plenty of talk about GIS skills and how what employers are looking for.<br>12) Christie had mentioned she finished the Python Oreily Online course & was happy. I would definitely check this out.<br>
13) Growing use of augmented reality. Very insightful ideas Regie. Maintaining the data would be paramount.<br>14) Mathew mentioned some interesting comments about the issue of cross browser support for SVG webmapping. Improving but not quickly enough.<br>
15) The usefulness of social media for staying informed & connecting with like minded folks.<br><br><br>Please free free to add to this if I missed anything or you want to add to what is here.<br><br>I have a bunch of follow up items for the group. Will be posting on them in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for more OSGEO awesomeness!<br>
<br>Cheers,<br><br>Richard<br><br><a href="mailto:drownedfrog@gmail.com">drownedfrog@gmail.com</a><br>@richardburcher<br>