[pdal-commits] [PDAL/PDAL] b24899: add AzP/docs build (#2919)

Howard Butler noreply at github.com
Sat Feb 8 08:18:27 PST 2020

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/PDAL/PDAL
  Commit: b24899d44fe20214543f037614b370e2cca4ecd1
  Author: Howard Butler <howard at hobu.co>
  Date:   2020-02-08 (Sat, 08 Feb 2020)

  Changed paths:
    M azure-pipelines.yml
    M scripts/azp/doc.yml

  Log Message:
  add AzP/docs build (#2919)

* add AzP/docs build

* try uploading doc builds to s3

* rejigger variables

* remove extraneous ninja command

* variable settings

* variable quoting

* more variable churn

* more variable churns

* one more time

* azp variable churning some more

* build PDF too

* output URLs

* condition doc upload for only PullRequest

* yaml is whitespace sensitive

* --quiet aws sync

* try var subst again

* quiet file upload

* try quoting var

* reenable the rest of CI

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