[pdal] pgpointcloud selector filter and max_capacity

Oscar Martinez Rubi O.MartinezRubi at tudelft.nl
Thu Feb 5 00:44:13 PST 2015

That was fast! Thanks
I will pull latest pdal and give it a try.
Let me know how the selector works and i will also try that one.

Enviado de Samsung Mobile

-------- Mensaje original --------
De: Andrew Bell
Fecha:05/02/2015 00:12 (GMT+01:00)
Para: Oscar Martinez Rubi
Cc: pdal at lists.osgeo.org
Asunto: Re: [pdal] pgpointcloud selector filter and max_capacity

On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 10:02 AM, Oscar Martinez Rubi <o.martinezrubi at tudelft.nl<mailto:o.martinezrubi at tudelft.nl>> wrote:
At some point I though that the selection of dimensions could be done when I insert the point cloud format in the DB (I only insert a format with X,Y,Z) but I found out that after running PDAL the one I inserted is ignored and a new format with all the dimensions is used. So, we definitively need a way to tell the writter which columns are desired.

Just to be clear, the scale_x..., is supposed to be specified in the PDAL pipeline XML or in the point cloud format inserted in the DB or in both?

You specify this in the pipeline and the values are stored as integers with a scaling factor instead of as double.  I'll document.

Well, I attach the sql file I execute to set the DB
and the pipeline xml I am using to run pdal pipeline.

With these ones I get a PDAL: ERROR:  unterminated quoted string at or near "....
Looks like mismatch between expected format and the actual block format

I fixed this bug and it has been merged to the master branch in github.

Also, I have selector-type behavior working and I should have that in for the database drivers tomorrow.


Andrew Bell
andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com<mailto:andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com>
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