[pdal] Compare/update metadata in a las file?

Howard Butler howard at hobu.co
Mon Dec 12 05:37:29 PST 2016

> On Dec 12, 2016, at 7:13 AM, Mats Högström <Mats.Hogstrom at slu.se> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I just started using pdal and have a very basic question. How does pdal report metadata, and can it be updated? I want to do the same things you can do with LAStools/lasinfo:
>> "Reports the contents of the header and a short summary of the
>>  points. Warns when there is a difference between the header
>>  information and the point content. When run with option '-cd'
>>  or '-compute_density', lasinfo will compute the point density.

$ pdal info myfile.las --all

will get you a rough density measure, but it requires that you have the hexbin filter enabled. If you are running the PDAL docker containers, this should all be in place for you.

>>  All differences can be repaired with the '-repair' option. The
>>  option '-repair_bb' will only repair (or tighten) the bounding
>>  box while '-repair_counters' will only repair wrong reported
>>  number of points.”
> Is this possible with pdal?

PDAL does not support in-place editing of data because it is designed to operate on many more formats. "repair" is possible in the context of writing a new file, but it is not possible to do so as a single in-place file operation.

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