[pdal] MSVC 2015+

Bradley Chambers brad.chambers at gmail.com
Tue Feb 23 05:55:43 PST 2016


I'm not going to stand in the way if the consensus is to require VS 2015. I
do wonder if it is completely necessary though.

I'm curious how many of the recent round of fixes were VS 2012 specific,
and how many were simply because we weren't running the tests on Appveyor.
I thought that most of the VS 2012 limitations were fairly well known, if a
bit of a nuisance. We knew initializer lists were out, and that there were
a few range-based loop gotchas.

Is there anything requiring us to dump VS 2012 (e.g., Appveyor dropping

Also keep in mind government users. I don't know where things stand, but
there can be a significant lag in approved versions of MSVC.

I can make the switch when the time comes. I'm just on my Windows machine
so infrequently, that I kind of don't look forward to upgrading PDAL and
all of it's dependencies. It would be nice to just pull master and be off
and running.

Hopefully some other Windows users will chime in.


On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 6:08 AM Howard Butler <howard at hobu.co> wrote:

> All,
> At the OSGeo Paris Sprint, we have been discussing the Windows build
> situation for PDAL, and I'd like to gauge the interest in maintaining any
> Windows compilers less than 2015. AppVeyor supports 2015, and the proposal
> is we would default to building and running the tests with that platform.
> Though this might mostly be for Brad, I'd like everyone to have an
> opportunity to let us know which Windows compilers need to be supported by
> the PDAL team. No PDAL dev is really a full-time Windows developer at this
> time, but we would commit to keeping AppVeyor happy.
> In short, here's your chance to stand up and say you need an older MSVC
> compiler supported, and if so, step forward to volunteer to do so :)
> Howard
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