[pdal] First stab at Coverity Scan

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Wed Nov 30 14:27:43 PST 2016

On 30 November 2016 at 22:50, Howard Butler <howard at hobu.co> wrote:
>> On Nov 30, 2016, at 3:26 PM, Mateusz Loskot <mateusz at loskot.net> wrote:
>> I've joined Andrew's efforst and I'm trying to configure Coverity Scan for PDAL.
>> I have configured it for several projects, including libLAS and
>> it generally is not a great deal of work.
>> However, with PDAL I'm hitting a wall.
>> I created new branch in PDAL/PDAL repo:
>> https://github.com/PDAL/PDAL/tree/coverity_scan
>> (Initially, I worked in mloskot/PDAL and I thought my problems
>> might be due missing some secret configs on GitHub/Travis CI.)
>> The build is failing with the error:
>> docker: command not found
>> https://travis-ci.org/PDAL/PDAL/jobs/180215967
>> In .travis.yml, I haven't changed anything regarding docker.
>> I only re-configured the build matrix a bit adding 3rd build for the Coverity.
>> I'm puzzled:
>> Why Travis CI properly sets up the docker service for the builds of master,
>> while it fails to do it for build based on coverity_scan branch?
> Travis looks like it is not starting Docker for some reason.
> See https://travis-ci.org/PDAL/PDAL/jobs/180215967#L119

Right, though it runs on the main builds

> Others seem to have similar problems, but the path
> forward is not clear https://www.google.com/search?q=travis+docker+unrecognized+service&

Yes, I found number of related older/later GH issues and it seems to
be a recurring issue
(seems related to complex build matrices, ie. matrix.include).

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net

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