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I am trying to load several LAS files into Postgres PointCloud using the PDAL pcpipeline.<br>
First I add the format in the table pointcloud_formats, basically I only have X, Y and Z, and the pcid is 1<br>
Then I create a table:<br>
CREATE TABLE patches (<br>
pa PCPATCH(1)<br>
And then I run a pcpipeline for each LAS file with the following XML (changing [input File] in each case)<br>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><br>
<Pipeline version="1.0"><br>
<Writer type="drivers.pgpointcloud.writer"><br>
<Option name="connection">host='localhost' dbname='testload' </Option><br>
<Option name="table">patches</Option><br>
<Option name="srid">7415</Option><br>
<Filter type="filters.chipper"><br>
<Option name="capacity">400</Option><br>
<Filter type="filters.cache"><br>
<Option name="max_cache_blocks">1</Option><br>
<Reader type="drivers.las.reader"><br>
<Option name="filename">[inputFile]</Option><br>
<Option name="spatialreference">EPSG:7415</Option><br>
I realized that each pcpipeline execution overwrites the patches table, so in the end it is like I only loaded the last LAS file. I have tried to use the option overwrite=false but it seems to be ignored. Also when I try to use a table name different than "patches"
it is also ignored. And I also realized that pcpipiline also adds a format in the table pointcloud_formats and use this when overwriting the patches table. Also using the option pcid in the XML is ignored.
<div>Is anybody else having issues when trying to load several LAS files?</div>
<div>Thank you</div>