[pgpointcloud] RLE and SIGBITS heuristics

Rémi Cura remi.cura at gmail.com
Wed Apr 15 11:31:45 PDT 2015

>From what I understand pgpointcloud is much faster to uncompress zip than
to compress it.
(roughly about 3 times)

2015-04-15 18:53 GMT+02:00 Rémi Cura <remi.cura at gmail.com>:

> ratio is size in pg (according to pgadmin) / size of original files on disk
> I tested 3 ways to transfer, writing with postgres trough a COPY (ASCII
> ply), reading from client with python (uncompressed patches), and streaming
> to browser trough javascript (ASCII X Y Z time intensity).
> The 2 first are parallelized 7 times.
> I just ran pc_compress to estimate the compression decompression time
> (for the moment only for 500 million las points)
> I roughly have a capacity of 5 Million pts/sec compression  or
> decompression speed (1 core)
> (tested trough timing uncompress, then compress(uncompress), then
> uncompress(compress(uncompress)) )
> I would say overhall pgpointcloud compression is pretty fast (I'm hoping
> this facts are not due to some caching)
> 2015-04-15 18:30 GMT+02:00 Sandro Santilli <strk at keybit.net>:
>> On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 06:09:52PM +0200, Rémi Cura wrote:
>> > Here are some facts about pgpointcloud compression
>> >
>> > 5.2 Billion las points (usual suspects):
>> > ratio 4.36 (compared to .las files)
>> How do you compute that ratio ? Is that LAS/PG size ?
>> How do you determine PG size ?
>> > The system can write from 1 Million to 0.2 Million pts/sec to a client,
>> > depending on the point type
>> How do you transfer those points to the client, in which format ?
>> > I'm in the process to measure compression/decompression time on those
>> data
>> > I tried to get the best ratio (thanks to recent work of @strk on
>> uint64_t)
>> Did you try pc_compress to manually tweak per-dimension compression yet ?
>> --strk;
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