[pgrouting-dev] Fwd: [SoC] Student applications: 2 days left!

Jinfu Leng logicnut at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 15:22:40 EDT 2012


I am looking around recently to get an appropriate topic.

Here are something I would like to work on:
1. K-shortest path
I want to implement an revised Yen’s algorithm based on this paper:
2. a new shortest path algorithm
I revised the classical two-q algorithm, and got a new algorithm named
mild-two-q, here is my paper:
3. Contraction Hierarchies Algorithm

The first one is the one I like mostly. If it is not already done and no
body else is working on it,  I want to do it.
The second one is also interesting. Since I developed the algorithm, I
definitely want to apply it to a widely used program. But as it is not
tested in many road networks, the practical efficiency can not be
guaranteed at present.
For the third one, I am hesitating, because I do not know much about
Hierarchies Algorithm. I scanned its source code and it looks like it is
not an easy one. I am not sure if it can be done in time.

I want to get your suggestions on which one will be the best topic and then
I can start the proposal shortly.


On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 8:03 AM, Stephen Woodbridge
<woodbri at swoodbridge.com>wrote:

> Hello GSoC candidates,
> We are hoping that some students are applying for GSoC for the pgRouting
> project. Time is very short to get your student applications! Both Danial
> and I are ready and willing to be Mentors.
> -Steve
> -------- Original Message --------
> Hello all,
> time is getting short for students applications, and we only have few
> proposals so far.
> Students, please prepare with your mentors the first draft of the
> proposal and submit it on Melange as soon as possible. I'd suggest to
> avoid last minute submissions, as the site will be presumably
> overloaded!
> Proposals can be edited until the deadline, April 6th 19:00 UTC so in
> about 2 days, 11 hours from now.
> You can use the date command to get the deadline for your timezone:
>  date --date='TZ="UTC" 19:00 next Fri'
> or open the Melange homepage, where there is a countdown.
> Also, we hope that Geoserver, Mapserver, OSSIM...  will participate
> this year. Let me know if there are any issues with applications and
> registration.
> Looking forward to see many good proposals!
> Anne
> --
> OSGeo GSoC Administrator
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