[pgrouting-dev] Building some tools to work with TSP

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Thu Dec 12 17:53:59 PST 2013

On 12/12/2013 7:13 PM, Helder Alves wrote:
> Hi again Steve!
> You got it right.
> All the simple pgr_trsp queries you suggested returned:
> *seq;id1;id2;cost*
> 0;-1;0;0
> The result from pgr_analyzegraph check is "OK".
>     SELECT id1 as path,
>     ST_Length_Spheroid(st_astext(st_linemerge(st_union(b.the_geom))),
>     'SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137,298.257222101]')
>        FROM pgr_kdijkstraPath(
>            'SELECT id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost FROM ways',
>            98306, array[146098], true, true) a,
>                  ways b
>     WHERE a.id3=b.id <http://b.id>
>     GROUP by id1
>     ORDER by id1;
> Definitely I think something is not OK. The output of the query above is
> the following one:
> *path;st_length_spheroid*
> 146098;4374.81625857547
> As may be guessing already, this query for the other 2 pairs of vids
> (228347, 228369 and 228369,98306) also returned the expected distances.
> What do you suggest as next step?


This is a script that I use to create a big rectangular grid of 
overlapping horizontal and vertical lines that I call pgr_nodenetwork 
on, the join it back to the original table to make a useful table for 
pgRouting. Mostly I offer it so you can see how to:

1. run pgr_nodenetwork
2. create a new table using a join
3. and then create a topology

You probably need to run the three steps above to get a usable table for 


[] ~/work/osrm-tools$ cat mk-testdb2


createdb -U $DBUSER -h $DBHOST $DBNAME

create extension postgis;
create extension pgrouting;

-- create 50x50 grid of overlapping lines horizontal and vertical

create table ddunnoded (
   id serial not null primary key,
   name text,
   dir_travel character(1),
   speed_cat character(1)
select addgeometrycolumn('ddunnoded', 'the_geom', 4326, 'LINESTRING', 2);

insert into ddunnoded (dir_travel, speed_cat, name, the_geom)
select case when s1%7 = 0 then 'F' when s1%7 = 4 then 'T' else 'B' end,
        st_setsrid(st_makeline(st_makepoint(-77.0, 42.0+(3.0/50.0*(s1-1))),
42.0+(3.0/50.0*(s1-1)))), 4326)
   from (select generate_series(1,50) as s1) as foo
union all
select case when s1%11 = 0 then 'F' when s1%11 = 7 then 'T' else 'B' end,
        st_setsrid(st_makeline(st_makepoint(-77.0+(3.0/50.0*(s1-1)), 42.0),
45.0)), 4326)
   from (select generate_series(1,50) as s1) as foo;

-- node the grid so we can use it
select pgr_nodenetwork('ddunnoded',0.000001);

-- cat m/sec   kph     mph
-- 1   25      90      56
-- 2   18      65      40
-- 3   15      54      33
-- 4   10      36      22
-- 5    5      18      11

-- copy the noded table into a table we can use for a graph
-- and add the required columns
create table ddnoded2 (
   gid serial not null primary key,
   id integer,
   name text,
   source integer,
   target integer,
   dir_travel character(1),
   speed_cat character(1),
   roundabout character(1) default 'N',
   tunnel character(1) default 'N',
   bridge character(1) default 'N',
   len_m float8,
   cost float8
select addgeometrycolumn('ddnoded2', 'the_geom', 4326, 'LINESTRING', 2);

insert into ddnoded2 (id, name, dir_travel, speed_cat, len_m, cost, 
select a.id,
'SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137,298.257222101]') as len_m,
'SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137,298.257222101]') / case when speed_cat='1' 
then  25.0
            when speed_cat='2' then  18.0
            when speed_cat='3' then  15.0
            when speed_cat='4' then  10.0
            else 5.0 end as cost,
   from ddunnoded_noded a, ddunnoded b
  where a.old_id=b.id
  order by a.old_id, a.sub_id;

-- now create a topology
select pgr_createtopology('ddnoded2', 0.000001, id:='gid');

create table ddnoded2_restrictions (
     id serial not null primary key,
     n_via integer,
     n_from integer,
     n_to integer,
     is_forbidden boolean,
     to_way_id integer

-- Total query runtime: 8080 ms.

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