[pgrouting-dev] pgRouting 2.0 Update

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Wed Mar 13 08:33:19 PDT 2013

On 3/13/2013 11:13 AM, Sandro Santilli wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 11:02:25AM -0400, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>> On 3/13/2013 10:02 AM, Sandro Santilli wrote:
>>> It's not buildable here, with cmake 2.8.7:
>> This might be a problem. I'm running cmake version and I
>> might need to up the minimum version to 2.8.10 as I think that is
>> the version that allows you to build obj files in a tree and then
>> assembly them into a single library, which is what I'm doing.
> It'd be a pity to drop support for older cmake, it's actually already
> an annoyance to require cmake :'(

Yeah, at the moment it was a trade off between upgrading cmake or 
letting the older version of cmake dictate my source tree layout or 
learning another way to fake cmake into doing what I need.

I feel that I am spending more time on cmake than on the code at the 
moment, so I probably will not make any changes now in that direction, 
but might revisit it in the future if I need to refactor the cmake 
stuff. There are a lot of moving pieces at this stage, and I need some 
to be nailed down, even if temporarily so the work does not flounder.

>> My cmake files were not designed to work outside the source tree. I
>> think all your errors above are a result of this. I didn't think
>> about doing this, but there is no reason that I could support this
>> at some point. I'm very new to working with cmake so suggestions,
>> help and/or pull requests would be appreciated. I suspect that I
>> would need to establish the root of the src tree, then make all the
>> paths absolute or something along those lines. Do you have an
>> example of a project that does this?
> QGIS does that. But I don't really have tips on using cmake, so far
> I've seen _no_ project using cmake and giving the same level of features
> you have with autoconf. /me cmake hater :)

I'm not that fond of it either, but it is what the project has been 
using. I suppose I could drop it all together, but that might be a 
bigger issue for some people than having to upgrade to the latest version.

This is still early stages in the project.


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